File Sharing

Edit on GitHub

Last updated October 17, 2020 by fabacab

A Nextcloud server operated by Eric Zhu is available at the DNS name It is a free file host hosted at NYC Mesh’s Supernode 3. Anyone can get 10G of free storage. It can support around ~25 users for now. In Eric’s words:

I choose Nextcloud because it is very user friendly, and there is a nice mobile app, and desktop sync app. I have also enabled contacts + calendar sync. I use it myself coz i want to rely on other services less; to be more autonomous :)

This is an unofficial copy of the NYC Mesh Docs website published and maintained by fabacab on GitHub. There are likely differences, possibly many, between this copy and the official Docs site, but the author prefers this version over the official version. This copy remains here so long as there are major differences between the two copies so that you can read the version that you prefer.